2024 Speaker
day of performance
Kazuya Yokozawa
Stone Flute player
Born in Azumino City, Nagano Prefecture
She first encountered the iwabue (stone flute) at the Tenkawa Bensaiten Shrine in Okuyoshino, Nara Prefecture, and was captivated by its tone and resonance.
He is active in Japan and abroad as a performer who creates a once-in-a-lifetime sound space by blowing the "miki" (breath) on the iwabue, shinobue, bamboo flute, flute, and osei (voice).
In addition to the solid musical theory and techniques he learned from Western music, his unique improvisational performance style, which emphasizes Japanese sensibilities through Shinto training at the Tenkawa Benzaiten Shrine and Kagura performances, has been well received as a sound of life that transcends ethnic and religious boundaries. He is a performer who expresses the stone flute musically and conveys its appeal to the whole world. This January, 2020, he will preside over the Japan Opera Association's production of the super opera "Red Heavenly Woman" (from Suzue Minouchi's "The Glass Mask") at Shibuya's Bunkamura Orchard Hall, performing the stone flute and flute with Ryuichiro Sonoda conducting and the Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra to great acclaim. Last year, he opened the live performance by HYDE of L'Arc en Ciel at Heian Jingu Shrine in Kyoto, to the delight of everyone beyond genres.