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Zen2.0 2024 ボランティア説明会/Zen2.0 2024 Volunteer information sessions


Zen2.0 2024 ボランティア説明会/Zen2.0 2024 Volunteer information sessions
Zen2.0 2024 ボランティア説明会/Zen2.0 2024 Volunteer information sessions


2024年6月09日 10:00 – 15:00

鎌倉市, 日本、〒247-0062 神奈川県鎌倉市山ノ内1402





We will hold an information session for prospective volunteer members who would like to support the international conference on cutting-edge AI technologies, including Zen, mindfulness, and AI, which has been held since 2017, from behind the scenes. We are open to all ages, students and working people alike. Please feel free to attend the briefing session and decide whether you would like to participate as a volunteer or not after attending the event.


第8回目の開催となるZen2.0は10月11日と12日に開催予定で、今年のテーマは「大地に坐す〜Touching the Earth〜」です。





The eighth edition of Zen 2.0 is scheduled for 11 and 12 October, and this year's theme is '大地に坐す - Touching the Earth'.

While the world continues to be in turmoil due to war, important elections are scheduled in more than 60 countries, including the United States. Furthermore, while the rapid development of AI promises a breakthrough for humanity, there are also concerns about widening inequalities and increasing feelings of division.

The slow progress in solving environmental problems is also a matter of concern for others. In order to leave a beautiful future to our descendants, it is important for us to deepen our understanding of the planetary health concept that the entire planet, including mankind, is an organic system and is closely connected, and of the mechanism that the natural environment closest to us is our 'gut environment', which is the 'soil' where we put down roots. This is an important task for us.

At a time like this, is it ever difficult to see clear leadership and direction, and do you ever get the feeling that it is hard to decide what to turn to? Isn't it time for each of us, as vast and benevolent beings like the earth, to be firmly rooted in the ground and awaken our inner leadership?

At this year's Zen 2.0, we will review our relationship with the Earth through Zen and mindfulness practices, seek inner peace and harmony with the outside world, and engage in deep dialogue with the speakers and participants. We sincerely look forward to your participation as a first step towards a sustainable future.

<参加要件_Participation Requirements>


Anyone interested in Zen, mindfulness, the regeneration of the earth, or how advanced technologies such as AI are changing human life is welcome to attend.

<タイムスケジュール_Time line>

10:00 Zen2.0についての說明

11:00  Zen2.0  2024とボランティア内容についての說明

12:00 お昼休み&お昼ごはん

13:00 チームビルディングとワークショップ


10:00 Explanation of Zen2.0

11:00 Presentation on Zen2.0 2024 and volunteer activities

12:00 Lunch Break & Lunch

13:00 Team building and workshop

15:00 End of the workshop


〒247-0062 神奈川県鎌倉市山ノ内1402


1402 Sannouchi, Kamakura, Kanagawa, 247-0062 Japan

Jochiji Temple



We will prepare a special lunch box  from  a long-established restaurant in Kitakamakura, and everyone is invited to enjoy it while talking with each other.



General: 2500Yen+commission fee


Zen2.0 volunteers: 1000Yen+commission fee




  • 一般参加

    Zen2.0 2024のボランティア説明会です。鎌倉の精進名店、鉢の木さんのお弁当とお茶がついております。





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